Unraveling Midlife: Episode 37

Musical musings with David Shanhun

David Shanhun is a professional musician currently based in Auckland who has opened shows for bands like Foreigner and Three Dog Night, and has had a number #1 song on iTunes NZ. He performs live at various events, weddings and shows, sharing his passion for music and helping others through YouTube videos, 1:1 sessions, online workshops and simply by sharing his authentic self through his music. Find David on www.davidshanhun.com and on YouTube with plenty of fabulous records, as well as on Instagram and Facebook.

The original music in the latter part of the show is Butterlies by David Shanhun, recorded live at the Jam Factory in Tauranga, NZ in November 2023.


Theme music is Trust by Sarah Marlowe Spence, on the album Awake by Premratna. The inspiration for the name of this podcast was from Brene Brown ‘The Midlife Unraveling’ The show’s cover art is by Samantha Hepburn Art.

Listen to music that Sarah sings on a variety of albums via this Spotify playlist.

Details on astrological transits are covered in Episode Nine and Episode 26.