Unraveling Midlife: Episode 40

Christopher Jones is a Master Handreader and Astrologer, as well as being passionate about cult and abuse education. When he realised he was living in an abusive cult, alongside others Christopher closed down the cult from the inside. We cover his story here and much more.

Join Master Handreader Christopher Jones talk about what he does, which includes identifying cults, and how he closed one down: “Knowledge, wisdom and insight is more valuable than belief.”

Christopher Jones is a Master Handreader and Astrologer, as well as being passionate about cult and abuse education. When he realised he was living in an abusive cult, alongside others Christopher closed down the cult from the inside. We cover his story here and much more.

Find Christopher at:



‘Sex in the Forbidden Zone’, Peter Rutter (1995)
Extract:  https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/1992/01/sex-in-the-forbidden-zone
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Forbidden-Zone-Therapists-Teachers/dp/1855384604

Red Flags in Workshops


The original music in the latter part of the show is a live recording of Seeking Peace, previously unreleased, by Sarah Marlowe Spence.

Listen to music that Sarah sings on a variety of albums via this Spotify playlist.

Theme music is Trust by Sarah Marlowe Spence, on the album Awake by Premratna. The inspiration for the name of this podcast was from Brene Brown ‘The Midlife Unraveling’ The show’s cover art is by Samantha Hepburn Art.